Hey Weshos!!
This past month at home has gone by pretty fast. The first couple of days home I visited my grandma(my dad's mom) a lot because she was recovering from a knee replacement. She was in a place for the elderly for a week while she was in rehab. The place was actually pretty cool. I kept trying to convince her to play bingo or got to one of the old lady functions but she wouldn't. On July 8th I left for the beach with my mom and niece to stay with my other grandparents at their beach house for a couple of days. We had a lot of fun there. It was my first time in the ocean all Summer and I loved it. I spent the next week reading, relaxing, starting to plan work team trips, and some other things that I can't really remember at the moment. oh wait, I did go to coldstone and target and moe's with Rachel. That was a lot of fun because it was the first time I had seen her since May when I left to go on my trip. I also drove to duke(boo, i know) to pick my cousin up from volleyball camp. I also drove to chapel hill to pick up job applications which speaking of, i seem to have lost all motivation to get a job since I did that. Hopefully I will feel inspired to apply for on soon. Bible school started on July 18th and I helped lead the 8 and 9 years olds. At my church we have different stations(arts, recreation, music, story telling, and discovery center) so basically my job was just to lead them to the stations and make sure they didn't cause too much trouble. It was a lot of fun but exhausting. We had a very talkative group and they had something to say about everything. It was really hot that week so I started bringing them all water after recreation and they all loved me after that. On that Wednesday night I met Kara because she had been in town visiting one of her friends. It was so nice getting to talk to her again. It is really weird to go from seeing a person 24/7 to not at all. So of course saying goodbye to her again was pretty sad. On that Thursday I had a cousin day with my cousin Alexis who is 14 years old(the same cousin i picked up from camp). We started these cousin days a couple of years ago as a way to hang out without the rest of the family. It basically consisted of going to the movies(we watched Knight and Day and Grown Ups) and then going to pizza inn. On Friday, the 23rd, I went to adventure landing with Caroline, Rachel, and Landon. It was really nice getting to see Caroline before she headed back to Arkansas for the rest of the summer. It was also nice to hang out with Landon and Rachel since usually Rachel only gets to hang out with one of us at any given time. (Rachel can say more in her blog if she wants). We played laser tag and mini gold and rode the go karts. It was really hot but we had a good time. I also did some babysitting that week. The couple I babysit for usually have 5 kids but I haven't had to watch them all at the same time so far. Two of the kids are twins and they are one. One kid is 4, one is 5, and the oldest is 8. Starting on the 25th through the 29th, I went to Wilmington to house sit for my dad. It was pretty boring because I didn't have anyone to go to the beach with me. I mostly just watched tv. My friend Amy lives near there but she had to work most of the time. She did get to stay over on that Wednesday night though and it was nice getting to talk to her. On Friday, I met Jan at Elmo's for lunch. It was our first get together now that she is no longer campus minister. That night I hung out at church for a while. My mom was leading a lock in for the little women (it's a younger version of the united methodist women) and I am kind of still in the group even though I am over the age limit. I taught them all how to play the game where you write something down and then people have to pretend it is their story and then we guess whose it actually is. They all seemed to enjoy it. I learned that some people thought my mom was a prostitute at some youth function when she was a teenager so that's always nice. I didn't stay the night though because I have been house sitting all this week for the people with the five kids because they are all out of town. They have 3 dogs that like to eat things when i'm not paying attention. They also have a rabbit, a cat, and four frogs. I have to feed the frogs crickets. I hated it at first but now it's not so bad. I saw toy story 3 for the second time this week and cried again. The 11 year that went with me laughed at me. So that is basically all that has happened but I am pretty sure I probably left something out. I am now starting to read our wesho book. I haven't gotten very far yet but i'll let you know my thoughts when we reunite. I think I am going to chapel hill tomorrow to buy my books since it is tax free weekend. This next week is going to be spent packing and saying goodbye to some friends. I am super excited to go back to chapel hill but at the same time I am actually not hating living at home for once. I don't know exactly when I am moving in yet but i'll let you all know when I do. I can't wait to see you all soon!!
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