Wednesday, July 7, 2010

i can't think of a title

A lot has happened since my last blog post. We went hiking in Idaho and I saw a bear. I was a bit scared but it was really cool. A fox got to the baby chicks I told you all about. Kara and I went to feed them one morning and all but one of them had been killed. It was a really sad day. During our last week at the farm with Rick we helped him finish building a greenhouse. It was a lot of fun and we got to use a lot of really cool power tools. One day when he was gone the ram and the goat got out of their fence and kara and I had to chase them back in. I think it would be the most popular video on youtube right now if we had been able to tape it. It was hilarious. I am afraid to give too many details about it because it would probably end up in my senior skit but let’s just say there was a lot of barking involved and it didn’t come from the dogs. Rick also helped us make our own cutting boards. They are really hard to make and I had to keep asking for help but I am really proud of it now. We left his farm on June 11th and drove to Portland, Oregon. We both really enjoyed Portland. They are called the city of roses and were having a big rose festival and parade while we were there. We then drove to the second farm in Alsea, Oregon. Jesse and Eva owned the farm. They were a couple that had just met the summer before in Mexico doing the same thing that Kara and I were doing . We agreed before we got there to stay at least 48 hours. I think we would both agree it was probably the most miserable 48 hours of our lives. I will have to show you all pictures so that you can really understand how awful it was. They did not have any running water so we had to bathe in a freezing cold creek. They also used the creek as a fridge since they didn’t have any electricity and they used the water to cook with. They did have some well water that they claimed was for drinking but it was yellowish and smelled like sulfur so Kara and I were afraid to drink it. There was a plant there called stinging needle that hurts a lot if you touch it. I kept accidently grabbing it and Kara even fell into some. They had a composting toilet that was half built so we were somewhat exposed while we were peeing and we were worried that we might fall in. They had us help them build some of it and we just tried to ignore all of the hazard labels on the lime they were making us touch and breathe in. They also had us putting rabbit poop on top of everything there were trying to grow. It smelt so bad. Thankfully, nothing was actually growing so we didn’t have to eat any of their food which probably would have tasted like poop because they don’t wash anything. Their dog killed the neighbor’s chicken on the first day there and they decided to butcher it and serve it for dinner. Fortunately, when they asked Kara if she wanted to watch them, she told them that she was vegetarian and I was a vegetarian too. It was too soon after the chick incident for me to eat chicken that their dog had killed. There were also snakes everywhere and I was scared the whole time we were there. The first night we slept in a van thing they own that had a couple of beds in it. The second night we saw rats crawling round everywhere and even own the sleeping bags so we left the van, walked through the snake-infested grasses, and slept in Kara’s car. The next day they had to go to their jobs in town so we did our work, cooked them dinner, wrote them a note, and left the farm to go to a hotel. We passed them on the way to town but we don’t think they saw us. We were both so happy to be rid of them and their farm that we didn’t feel bad at all about leaving the way we did. Just turning on the faucet in the hotel was enough to make us really excited. We then left the next morning to head to Colorado where Kara’s family lives. We camped overnight at a campground in Nevada. It was really nice and much warmer than our camping experience in Montana. We stayed with Kara’s grandma for a couple of days in Colorado. It was so nice to be with family after such an awful experience even if they weren’t my family. We went to see Toy Story 3 and we both cried. If you haven’t seen it yet, you really should. It is so good. We then found a farm in Boulder, Utah to go to. The farm helped produce food for a local restaurant so we got to eat at the restaurant. They mostly served us leftovers but it was still good. The farmer’s name was Nathaniel. There were also some people working on the farm around our age which was really nice. We did a lot of planting and harvesting and a whole lot of weeding. We had to live in our tent for the first couple of days and then we moved into an airstream which is sort of like an rv type thing. We had two days off, which were when we were allowed to go to the house where a lot of the other staff live and do laundry and shower. On other days we just washed off in the pond on the farm. We went to a summer solstice party which was probably one of the strangest things I have ever been to in my life. We left pretty early because it was nearing our 9:00 bedtime(haha, but seriously) but they seemed to have a lot of fun after we left. Overall, I really enjoyed the farm in Utah and the people. We went to a Mormon church on the Sunday before I left. It was a very interesting experience. I won’t say I loved it but I definitely learned a lot about Mormons and it seems they are at least slightly more like us than I thought. On the 29th I flew out of salt lake city at 7 in the morning. I definitely cried when Kara left me there. When I got home I decided I wanted to go see Eclipse with Jessica(my roommate from last year and good friend) so I bought our tickets and met her there at 9 to wait in line. I was so tired but it was worth it. It was nice getting to talk to her and I thought the movie was the best one yet. Since then I have been mostly relaxing at home. My grandma has knee replacement surgery while I was gone so I have been visiting her and going to doctor’s appointments of my own. The back doctor told me that I don’t have to go back to him until 2012. That was exciting. I hope to go to the beach soon and bible school is coming up soon at my church. I also have to start looking for a job for when I get back to Chapel Hill. I miss you all a lot and I can’t wait to see you.

Monday, July 5, 2010

I miss you!

Hey everybody!!
I feel like I haven't heard from you all in forEVER...and that is NOT good. We're going to have to fix that.
So, since last time I posted on here, my summer has finally kicked off! But before that happened, I struggled through the end of my physics class. I seriously don't want to deal with a situation like that ever again, hahaha. I had such a hard time studying for the final. My whole family went out on the lake the weekend before the exam, and I stayed home to try to study. Needless to say, two hours later I was out on the boat with them. I brought my stuff out there to study, and ended up dropping all of my test papers in the water. I managed to recover them all...but it was rather funny. At that point I really just didn't care. = ) But anyway, so I walked into my final feeling good, and ready to get it over with. The final was eight questions. I got my exam, looked through it, and realized that I maybe knew how to solve one problem on there. I've never felt so dumb in my entire life. I honestly think my score on that final was around a 20. And yet a few days later, my final grade was posted. I was beyond ecstatic to see that I got an A- for the class. God was most certainly with me when those grades were being decided.
After I finished with physics, I spent pretty much the next week going to various doctors appointments I had scheduled. One of those is my jaw doctor (for those of you who may not know, I've had arthritis in my jaw since I was 16. crazy), and he actually sent me back to physical therapy for a few weeks because my jaw has been in a lot more pain that usual for the past couple months. Hopefully it will help, but we'll see!
Finally, I kicked my summer off with an amazing trip to Florida! I went with my mom, my boyfriend Landon, his mom, and his younger brother. We left on a Thursday afternoon around 6pm and drove all night straight to Universal Islands of Adventure. We got there at about 5:30am, and went and parked until we could get into the park. We headed straight to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, because we heard the lines to get in were ridiculous. As exciting as it was to be there and see the castle and everything come to life, I think we were all a little bit disappointed by what was there. It was just so crowded it was so difficult to get around or get into any of the stores. But we still enjoyed it, especially the Forbidden Journey ride inside the castle. That ride was really cool...but we headed out of that part of the park, and went on to the rest of the Islands.
That night, we all finally got to the condo we stayed at, Bahama Bay Resort, and completely crashed. For the next week, we woke up early every morning, headed to a park, played all day, and got back late. It was the most exhausting vacation I've ever been on, but it was also so much fun. I really loved just being able to be a kid, and run around Disney World, and get excited by the simplest things. The second day we did the water park Typhoon Lagoon in the afternoon and Epcot that night. The third we did Animal Kingdom, which I had never been to, so I really really enjoyed that. It was just so different and more relaxing than a lot of the other parks. The fourth day we went to Universal Studios, which had a lot of new rides as well. The last time I was there I was ten years old, so I really don't remember much of what it was like! Day 5, we slept in and went back to Islands of Adventure for the second half of the day to finish up some stuff we had wanted to ride.
On day 6, we did Hollywood Studios (previously MGM), which we didn't expect to spend much time at. But they have this thing there called the American Idol Experience, and Landon decided to audition for it just for fun. Of course, he ended up making it into the show, which is basically a mock version of the real American Idol! It was so awesome seeing him up on the huge stage, and he was so excited. He sang "Circle of Life," perfect since we were at Disney, and competed against two girls. The audience voted, and he didn't win his round, but was still so amazed at being able to sing up there that he didn't even care. He actually had people from the audience coming up to him afterwards telling him that they voted for him, and that he would be crazy not to audition for the actual show. So, it was an extremely exciting afternoon! On our last day, we went to Magic Kingdom, and ended up riding Space Mountain 4 times..woohoo! It was awesome. The next morning we came home, and I still feel like I haven't had a chance to relax. But it was such an amazing trip, and I had SO much fun. I'll be posting pictures in the next couple days if you want to check them out!
Hopefully I haven't bored you too much with my Disney adventures, but that's pretty much my exciting adventure for the summer! I did fireworks with my family last night, as always, and also went to the Fuquay fireworks July 3rd, so that was fun. I've also got a John Mayer concert coming up in a couple weeks, and at the end of the month I'll be heading to Virginia for a couple days to shadow my uncle who works as a pharmacist in a hospital. Ahh, summer is going by WAY too fast! I'll be looking forward to hearing about all of your adventures from the past few weeks. Hopefully they've been very exciting. I miss you all so much, and I can't wait to start the first of many fun times we're all going to have in the next year. = )