Sunday, June 6, 2010

¡Hola amigos!

Hey friends! I hope everything's been going well for you! I can't believe how long it's been since I've seen your lovely faces. I am having so much fun in Spain! My señora is really nice, and I don't live too far from the school. All the students take two classes. I'm taking History of Spanish Art and Spanish Literature since 1700. I really like the art class; the literature class is bearable. Good thing I already have credit for it at UNC. I like the people in the program with me. I've even got a group of friends here that I hang out with, which for me is pretty exciting. We had a four day weekend this past weekend for Corpus Christi (yay Catholic countries!) so I went to Rome with my friends Jonathan and Elizabeth. It was so much fun! It's still hard to believe that I was just in Rome! I took so many pictures. We flew in on Wednesday after class. After checking into the hotel, we wandered around trying to find an open restaurant. I'm not sure which street we went down, but we weren't seeing many restaurants. Plus, it was apparently a national holiday, so lots of places were closed. We finally found a restaurant that was open and while our waiter didn't know English, he did speak Spanish so that was lucky. Naturally, we had pizza for dinner and it was pretty good. Yes, I took pictures. The next day, Thursday, we went to the Colosseum. It was so cool! Our ticket to the Colosseum also let us in to see the Forum and Palatine Hill, which is where the twins Romulus and Remus were supposedly found by the She-Wolf (that's actually what the lupa is translated as, haha). Then Romulus murdered Remus and founded Rome. After hanging around there, we went to the Trevi Fountain. It was absolutely stunning! The three of each made a wish.The next day, we went to the Vatican. So, this weekend, I was in two European countries. It was so neat to stand in St. Peter's Square. I didn't actually cry because I never show emotion or anything like that, but I totally could have. We spent most of the time in the Vatican Museums which are so neat! I got to see the Sistine Chapel! I could hardly breathe. I think this whole weekend was my Gettysburg. Saturday we explored a little more, going to places in a small guidebook we got for free.All I ate was pizza, pasta and gelatto. In all, a fantastic weekend, though it's great to be back in Sevilla. My program is already half-way over, and I can hardly believe it! After it's done, I'm going to visit my tía Gea and tío Armando near Valencia for about a week; then, I'll be heading back to the USA where I better get to see you all again!

BWmiss you lotsL,

p.s. I want to send you all postcards, so email me/Facebook message me your addresses!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I am so very jealous of you all. It sounds like you're having a great time!! = )